Meet The Speaker: Dr Lowri Davies

Meet The Speaker: Dr Lowri Davies

Our final speaker for our upcoming CPD day is Dr Lowri Davies BVSc Dip ACVSMR MRCVS RCVS. Lowri is a Specialist in Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation and graduated from Bristol Veterinary School in 1992. She developed her interest in sports medicine and rehabilitation...
Meet the Speaker: Artaine Harte

Meet the Speaker: Artaine Harte

Our third speaker for our upcoming CPD day is Artaine Harte SRN, Dip Ani Phys. FAETC. IV, Ass-NVQ/QCF. Artaine is an Experienced Animal Physiotherapist and Canine Fitness Trainer. “I started my professional career looking after two leggeds as an orthopaedic...