The next BVRSMA Clinical Club will take place on Tuesday 26th May at 9PM, BST (GMT+1).

The title is ‘Hydrotherapy- Where’s the Science’, which promises to be a very lively debate.

For those of you who haven’t participated before, this is an ideal opportunity to take part in our online discussion group and will also contribute to your CPD requirements. The discussion is open to BVRSMA members only, and a clinical club packet containing the papers to be discussed and the questions considered will be distributed the week prior to the meeting. All you need to do is visit the members-only section of the site beforehand if possible to familiarise yourself with the page and ideally set up your avatar to identify yourself rapidly, and then log in a couple of minutes in advance on the night! It’s very easy to take part and ALL members are welcome, including overseas/ research members.

If you are not already a member but are interested in taking part, online membership application and payment is now available by Paypal and only takes a couple of minutes. Join us now to be able to participate in this and other events!