Myself and several fellow BVRSMA members attended the University of Tennessee/ Schloss Seminar Neuro Rehab seminar held in Cardiff 0n 17-18th May alongside fellow veterinary surgeons and physiotherapists. It was a great weekend with very thought provoking presentations on a wide variety of different neurological presentations, including new and emerging syndromes characterised by stiffness and/or tremor, as well as more common problems such as intervertebral disc disease. Josie Buckman gave us a very valuable insight on current thoughts and techniques in the rehab of human neurological patients, and we had some fascinating lectures on the current scientific research on neurological plasticity and recovery with practical sessions based on these concepts. Even the sun shone on us, although we packed far too much into 2 long days to spend much time enjoying it! I for one am already incorporating much of what I have learned in my daily work, and looking forward to the next event.